September 2018 Album E2 - Cape Dutch B - Roofing complete and plastering in progress E16 - Contemporary C - Roof level- trussing complete E16 - Contemporary C - Chromadek roof sheets and plastering E21 - Modern design - Roof laying foundation E24 - Cape Dutch B - Construction in progress wall level E21 & E22 - Modern A - Plastering in progress – Wall Plate level E20 - Modern B - Work in progress - entrance porch E20 - Modern B - Plastering and wall plate level E19 - Contemporary B - Laying of Chromadek Roof sheets E18 - Modern A - Laying of foundation E16 - Contemporary C - Roof level foundation E15 - Modern A - Private Garden area- plastering stage E14 - Contemporary B - Private Garden area- roofing sheets laid out E15 - Contemporary C - Trusses going up E12 - Modern A - Construction in progress wall level E13 - Contemporary C - Construction in progress wall level E6 - Contemporary D - Trusses being laid and construction in progress E7 and 9 E6 - Contemporary D - Roof level foundation stage E14 - Contemporary B - Plastering and roof complete E3 - Contemporary B - Painting in progress, plastering and roof complete